
Vendors and informal traders in Bulawayo face multiple challenges including the lack of adequate – well designed trading spaces, cumbersome licencing procedures, colonial era by-laws, police harassment and the lack of a modern informal sector policy within the City of Bulawayo. Women who work as vendors and informal traders in Bulawayo face additional challenges that include gender based violence, lack of access to health facilities and limited access to child care facilities leading to an increase in children on the streets.

BVTA is therefore working with its members on advocacy campaigns aimed at securing the economic and social rights of vendors and informal traders. As BVTA, we believe that vendors should be at the table when decisions about their small businesses and futures are being made. Advocacy platforms used by BVTA include face to face meetings with City Councilors, Members of Parliament and Government Ministers. BVTA has presented petitions and written letters directly to the Town Clerk and Mayor of Bulawayo.

BVTA works with Zimbabwe Lawyers for Human Rights ( ZLHR) and Abammeli Rights Lawyers to secure justice for its members and all vendors approaching the BVTA Office for assistance.

Current BVTA Advocacy Campaigns are focused on the adoption of a new Informal Sector Policy for Bulawayo, updated and progressive by laws.