Vendors cry foul over new City fines

Bulawayo City Council has gazetted the Hawkers and Vendors fines under the City of Bulawayo (Hawkers and Vendors) Bylaw 2020.

In a statement Bulawayo Vendors and Traders Association Executive Director Michael Ndiweni said the new BCC fines will promote and increase the already rampant corruption in the sector, fewer people would afford to pay such huge sums of money, thereby making enforcement officers accept smaller bribes to let the day pass.

“Allegations of corruption have already been raised by vendors and informal traders against municipal police. It does not need a rocket scientist to see that this will surely worsen the situation” he added.

BVTA recommends BCC must come up with realistic fines and measures considering that income levels for vendors and informal traders have drastically reduced due to COVID19 restrictions that have curtailed trading.

BCC was supposed to engage Associations on what measures can be employed to deal with some of these challenges that fines seek to address.

Mr Ndiweni further argued that the enforcement approach is not always sustainability because vendors and informal traders would always find ways to avoid procedures if there is no consultation and dialogue that ensures buy in.

Bulawayo residents commenting on the same issue.

Sindiso Mazibisa said “Very sad development.Its this culture of impunity that must die #byofirst shall deal with such administrative knee jerk decisions.These fines must fall”

Mamjapana KaMhlongo said “Instead of hiking rentals for commercial properties they want to make life even worse for the already downtrodden”

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