BVTA Press Statement on the International Workers Day

01 May, 2023 Bulawayo Vendors and Traders Association (BVTA) today joins Zimbabwe and the whole world in commemorating the struggles and victories of workers worldwide under the theme: ”Workers Rights and Socio-Economic Justice”. On this Workers Day, BVTA honours and celebrates the hard work and dedication of all workers, particularly those in the informal economy. We recognize that the informal sector plays a vital role in providing livelihoods for millions of people across the country, and we commend the resilience and commitment of informal workers in the face of numerous challenges. We celebrate men, women and children who are trying to eke a living in the informal economy under punitive working conditions. We are aggrieved that it is common to work 10 to 16-hour days in hazardous and unsafe spaces in the informal economy, there is lack of social security, lack of medical health schemes and poor infrastructure. As BVTA, we remain committed to advocating for the rights of informal workers, including fair wages, decent working conditions, and access to social protections. We call upon the government, employers, and society to recognise and value the contributions of informal workers and take tangible steps to improve their conditions. We commit to complement the government and partner with the private sector to support informal workers with access to credit, capacity building and formalisation opportunities. Employers should also provide fair wages and safe working conditions, while society should appreciate and acknowledge the role of informal workers in the economy. We implore the government and its various agencies that support informal economy workers to up ante and build a more equitable society that values the contributions and rights of all informal workers. We wish all workers a happy and fulfilling Workers’ Day! Twitter – @bvtatrust Facebook Page – Bulawayo Vendors and Traders Association Facebook – Bulawayo Vendors Trust Website –

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