Bulawayo Municipality, vendors hammer peace deal

THE Bulawayo City Council (BCC) has hammered a peace deal with vendors to end running battles between municipal police and informal traders, Southern Eye has learnt.

On Tuesday, top council officials met representatives of Bulawayo Vendors’ Trust to “find mutual understanding and address challenges faced by vendors”.

The deal came shortly after Bulawayo mayor, Martin Moyo admitted that the local authority had given in on informal traders operating at undesignated sites.

He said council was, instead, now urging the illegal vendors to legalise their operations.

A follow-up meeting was held on Tuesday, according to the Bulawayo Vendors’ Trust.

“BCC pledged to investigate cases of abuse of women and girls, especially at Egodini Terminus, where they are deprived of water by unscrupulous men, who are now selling water from a public tap,” the Bulawayo Vendors’ Trust said in a statement yesterday.

“BCC pledged to partner with Bulawayo Vendors’ Trust and Wild Trust Zimbabwe and conduct joint outreach meetings on City of Bulawayo by-laws.”

BCC was represented by Elliot Panesu from the engineering department, who was accompanied by other council officials.

The Bulawayo Vendors’ Trust added: “BCC also committed to attend to individual grievances arising from vendors, who felt their issues have not been dealt with adequately by some City of Bulawayo officials.

“BCC committed to allocate more vending bays to vendors’ associations. BCC pledged to conduct periodic meetings with vendors’ associations.”

Both Moyo and council spokesperson, Nesisa Mpofu could not be reached for comment yesterday.

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